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"SITE Plan"

At the SITE your child will...

  • Have FUN and LOVE coming each week!

  • Develop a Love for Judaism

  • Learn to read Hebrew

  • Learn about Jewish customs and practices

  • Be inspired by Jewish values

  • Be empowered to participate in Jewish Holidays and rituals


In order for children reach their potential, they need both values and habits. 


Values are like seeds, we may not see the results immediately, but when they are nurtured properly they sprout and grow. We plant by teaching values and ideals to our children and we nurture these seeds when they see us, their parents and teachers modeling those behaviors.

“Building” on the other hand is a conscientious process. This approach refers to the actions, habits and external behaviors that we accustom our children to on a daily basis such as brushing their teeth, eating a healthy breakfast, getting to bed on time, etc. Habits are likened to the external structure that supports our seedlings so they can grow upward. Good values need good habits to support them. These are the actions that we do.

Our program is comprised of 3 divisions based on the above"Building and Planting Paradigm"

Jewish holidays, Hebrew reading and comprehension are seamlessly woven into each and every unit in all 3 divisions. Personalized review lessons are provided to each student to continue learning at home.


SPROUT is a Reggio Emilia inspired program that helps our youngest students internalize the following values utilizing a custom made curriculum based on both The VICTORY METHOD by Dr. Miriam Adahan and Dr. Carol Dweck’s Mindsets:

1. In the Image of God/בצלם אלהים

God loves me AS I AM AT THIS MOMENT. I am important and valued. Each positive act and victory is important. 

2. Inner Strength/גבורה

I am capable of self-control and coping with difficulties and challenges.

3. An Attitude of Gratitude/הכרת הטוב

Gratitude is not just saying "thank you" but really feeling a sense of gratitude and then learning to express it. 

4. Teshuvah/תשובה

Failure is not a permanent condition - I am not defined by my mistakes or who I was yesterday.

5. Love/אהבה

I can and must love every person regardless of their background, ethnicity or opinions.

6. Holiness/קדושה

We find holiness at distinct times in the Jewish calendar, such as Shabbat and holidays as well as the choices we make to bring God into this world.

7. Responsibility/אחריות

"The world was created for me" means that I am responsible for the entire world and certainly for my own actions.


The greatest way to emulate God is to engage in acts of loving kindness.

Hebrew vocabulary and letter recognition are introduced throughout each lesson in a fun and engaging way.


In the BUILD division students begin to see how the values they learned in SPROUT are supported and reaffirmed through action.

Jewish holidays and rituals come alive as they are connected to the value that lies at the heart of each one. In this way they come alive instead of being isolated random practices.

Students are given the tools to actively participate in all of the Jewish Holidays throughout the year.

A hallmark of this year is a unit called “Torah Town” where each week we BUILD a new establishment in our “town” to teach Jewish life fundamentals.

For example, as we BUILD the Supermarket we focus on brachot and gratitude. The Hospital teaches us about guarding our health and doing kindness. In the Pet shop we learn about tzar baali chaim, the prohibition against hurting animals. In the post office we send thank you cards to family that lives far away and express our gratitude to those who help protect us. We build a synagogue that teaches us how to pray and most importantly we build a home that highlights the focal point of Jewish life.

Hebrew is a large focus of our day in the BUILD division. Students at this level are beginning to blend sounds and starting to read hebrew words from the very first week of school!

Conversational Hebrew is introduced at this point and new vocabulary words are added each week. Interactive and engaging opportunities are provided for students to review at home with a customized app (parents do not need a Hebrew background)


With a strong background of Jewish practices and rituals that are deeply rooted in Jewish values, students are now ready to GROW!

In this division, students become the teachers as they learn to cultivate curiosity and explore what Judaism means to them.


Here are some examples of how teachers utilize engaging activities, interactive contests and games to challenge students to think creatively by using Torah to solve real life situations.

Students will have the opportunity to act out real life scenarios that focus on character development. They will do this by applying the lessons and mitzvot that they have learned in previous years. After they act out the scenario, the students will have a discussion group based upon what they observed, what they learned and how they would want to act in a similar situation. 


Some of the principles that we will internalize include : 

  • Honesty 

  • Charity 

  • Confidence 

  • Responsibility 

  • Will Power

  • Dedication 

  • Humility

  • Forgiveness 

  • And more... 


Classes will also consist of creative, interactive games and sports that are designed to be fun and engaging while inspiring the students to integrate what they learn in their everyday life. 

Connecting Jews to their Judaism
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Donations can be mailed to:

25725 Coolidge Hwy,
Oak Park, MI 48237


Tax Exempt EIN: 20-5429082

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